
Devereaux Shields House

Professional Bed and Breakfast hosted by Devereaux Shields House

  • 2 guests
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About The Property

Welcome to the Devereaux Shields House, a beautiful bed and breakfast just steps from historic downtown Natchez, Mississippi. This B&B is listed on the National Historic Register for significant homes. Our Natchez inn includes two properties: the elegant 1893 Queen Anne Victorian main house, and the charming 1873 Victorian Aunt Clara’s Cottage. The Devereaux Shields House now features 6 rooms: two beautifully appointed suites in the main house and 4 spacious rooms in the cottage with heart pine floors and a large veranda. Guests will enjoy an amazing breakfast each morning and relaxing in our lovely gardens. The cottage also offers pet-friendly rooms. Colonel and Mrs. Devereaux Shields are believed to have built the Queen Anne Victorian-style home in Natchez, MS between 1893 and 1900. Colonel Shields was a veteran and hero for his exploits in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War in the late 19th Century. Our homes are just a few blocks from the 200-foot-high Natchez Bluffs, which offers a stunning view of the Mississippi River for several miles in both directions.


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Accepts Gift Cards Directly
Allows Children
Breakfast Included
Continental Breakfast Included
Daily Housekeeping
Fireplace In Room(s)
Free Parking
Free Wi-Fi

709 North Union Street, Natchez, Mississippi 39120

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